Manual Handling Risk Assessments

Manual Handling Risk Assessments

Manual Handling Risk Assessment

It is the duty of employers to take organizational measures to design their workplace, work processes, workstations & systems of work to eliminate manual handling in so far as is "Reasonably Practicable".

Where this is not possible, the employer must assess or get a competent person to do it on their behalf. This where Annbrook Safety Training can help.

Our assessment will be completed using the latest Health & Safety Authority Guidelines. 

Annbrook Safety Training completes this Risk Assessment process using a L.I.T.E. principle to safer Manual Handling.

L = LOAD       


T = TASK        


Annbrook Safety Training will carry out & document a comprehensive Manual Handling Risk Assessment.

It will take into account any Manual Handling hazards on your site.

Posible control measures will then be identified with the aim of reducing the risks of back injury to employees involved in the Manual Handling Tasks. 



Please feel free to contact us to discuss your Mandling Handling Training or Risk Assessment Requirements.