Chemical Safety Awareness

Chemical Safety Awareness

Laboratory Safety Awareness

This course designed to provide learners with knowledge of their responsibilities under the Chemical Agents Regulations.

It also gives information on the safe interaction with hazardous materials while at work.

We can also deliver Gas Handling Safety Training.


Chemical Awareness & Spills Training

Chemical Awareness Training is designed to provide learners with the necessary information, regarding working with & using chemicals safely while at work.

This training is perfect for those working the pharmaceutical industry or those who work in the contract cleaning & maintenance sector.

This course is essential for those who are likely to be exposed to chemicals while at work.

Learners will gain a better understanding of the chemicals they use every-day & how these chemicals may affect them during their work or in the event of an accident.

It includes information & guidance on Chemical Risk Assessments, Safety Data Sheets, how chemicals can enter the body & how to deal with accidental spillages.